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shadowclan training marsh
created May 17, 2018 19:01:55 GMT
0replies 135views last post
May 17, 2018 19:01:55 GMT
mac ♛ Avatar
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medicine cat herb patch
created May 17, 2018 18:49:30 GMT
0replies 131views last post
May 17, 2018 18:49:30 GMT
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mac ♛ Avatar
created May 17, 2018 18:48:34 GMT
0replies 137views last post
May 17, 2018 18:48:34 GMT
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mallory bog
created May 17, 2018 18:48:00 GMT
0replies 121views last post
May 17, 2018 18:48:00 GMT
mac ♛ Avatar
4 threads
4 posts
Specific parts of Shadowclan's territory that seem to pop out on walks through their land-- these are places used to tell where one is, or to single out a specific meeting point.

[ mallory bog / duststream / medcat herb patch / training area ]
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